IPOP (the integrative plant omics platform) is bundled with a variety of online analysis tools that aid users in conducting evolutionary and functional analysis. Specifically, the Multi-omics Integration Analysis tool is available to consolidate information from diverse omics sources, while the Transcriptome-wide Association Analysis tool facilitates the linkage of functional analysis with phenotype. To summarize, the IPOP platform offers valuable evolutionary insights and multi-omics data to the plant sciences community, effectively addressing the need for cross-species comparison and evolutionary research platforms. All data and modules within IPOP are freely accessible for academic purposes.

Huang, W., Hu, X., Ren, Y., Song, M., Ma, C., and Miao, Z. (2023). IPOP: an integrative plant multi-omics platform for cross-species comparison and evolutionary study. Molecular Biology and Evolution, msad248. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msad248.

Chuang Ma
Principal Investigator, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

My research interests include artificial intelligence, abiotic stress and plant breeding.
